Oh my goodness! Sada looking super gorgeous! I had no idea that she's a professor as well! Besides, I don't mind if Juniper is a professor of Unova after all! ^_^
Oh my goodness! Sada looking super gorgeous! I had no idea that she's a professor as well! Besides, I don't mind if Juniper is a professor of Unova after all! ^_^
Oh wow! I love this Gijinka of Kyurem! I love how she is based off of an ice princess! I love how she turns out! She looks so gorgeous! ^_^
Thanks! I enjoyed the design process a lot.
Shadey over here looking very stylish in that dress! I love how she looks very much! ^_^
Miko looking super thicc in CHun Li's outfit! ^_^
Oh my gosh! I love Blue DIamond so much! She is super thicc! Just as thicc as Holly Blue Agate! LOL
I love Mama Matsumoto so much! I love how her thighs are so strong, that she can break a watermelon in half! That's how strong she is and I love Mama so much! She even has some yummy curves too! ^_^
Sally McBoing looks so cute! I love her design very much! ^_^
And those two girls looks super cute in those costumes! ^_^
And your characters look super cool! I love their designs very much! They look super stylish! Even the one with blue skin looks super adorable! ^_^
Awwww, Marie is so cute! She looks very adorable as a Playboy bunny! I love how she looks in that outfit very much! She definitely fits to be a waitress for the restaurant section at a local brothel! ^_^
Joined on 12/17/22