Oh my goodness! The fashion choices that you've made for Raver Belle looks way too cute! The thigh high socks and fuzzy boots top it off very nicely! Even her hairstyle fits the aesthetic perfectly!
Oh my goodness! The fashion choices that you've made for Raver Belle looks way too cute! The thigh high socks and fuzzy boots top it off very nicely! Even her hairstyle fits the aesthetic perfectly!
Much appreciated :D <3
Oh, it's okay Skirtzz! A lack of polish is actually a strength to this drawing because it shows that a great artist like yourself is also human. Not every single artist is "perfect" quote-unquote. No offense, I just wanna point out that this drawing is very good and I love it very much! Also, I love how you put up some subtle references to the originla Game Boy and a music CD of Oingo Boingo! (Yes, I'm old enough to know what all of those are! LOL)
Hehe thank you!!!
Yea, Oingo Boingo is a fave of mine XD
OMG! Your fanart of Liara T'Soni looks way too cute! I love it way too much! The extra curvy energy gives it away through that cute pose! :D
Heh, thank you so much, I appreciate it!!!!
OMG! Your fanart of Tali'Zorah looks way too beautiful! I love her design very much! The pose that she's in and the way her delicious curves flow through her suit, adds more of a subtly spicy touch to it all! :D
Ehhheh, thank you!!!!! :D
OMG! Those MLP mermaid designs looks way too cute! I love them so much! :D :D :D
Aw thank you kindly!!! <3
I love this art piece so much! Gives me a lot of Kill la Kill vibes! Wait a minute, this is Kill La Kill fanart! Everything here is really spot on! Your art style is always very cute indeed! :D
TInker Bell over looks so cute being a raver! The fuzzy boots top it off nicely! :D
Nothing wrong with cute Shantae art! This one takes the cake for me! :D
Joined on 12/17/22