Since I felt like that the Sinnoh Dex was rushed to hell, I made an improved version of the dex to make it more complete.
1. Turtwig
2. Grotle
3. Torterra
4. Chimchar
5. Monferno
6. Infernape
7. Piplup
8. Prinplup
9. Empoleon
10. Starly
11. Staravia
12. Staraptor
13. Bidoof
14. Bibarel
15. Kricketot
16. Kricketune
17. Shinx
18. Luxio
19. Luxray
20. Abra
21. Kadabra
22. Alakazam
23. Magikarp
24. Gyarados
25. Budew
26. Roselia
27. Roserade
28. Zubat
29. Golbat
30. Crobat
31. Geodude
32. Graveler
33. Golem
34. Onix
35. Steelix
36. Cranidos
37. Rampardos
38. Shieldon
39. Bastiodon
40. Machop
41. Machoke
42. Machamp
43. Psyduck
44. Golduck
45. Burmy
46. Wormadam
47. Mothim
48. Wurmple
49. Silcoon
50. Beautifly
51. Cascoon
52. Dustox
53. Combee
54. Vespiquen
55. Pachirisu
56. Buizel
57. Floatzel
58. Cherubi
59. Cherrim
60. Shellos
61. Gastrodon
62. Heracross
63. Aipom
64. Ambipom
65. Drifloon
66. Drifblim
67. Buneary
68. Lopunny
69. Gastly
70. Haunter
71. Gengar
72. Misdreavus
73. Mismagius
74. Murkrow
75. Honchkrow
76. Glameow
77. Purugly
78. Goldeen
79. Seaking
80. Barboach
81. Whiscash
82. Chingling
83. Chimecho
84. Stunky
85. Skunktank
86. Meditite
87. Medicham
88. Bronzor
89. Bronzong
90. Growlithe
91. Arcanine
92. Bonsly
93. Sudowoodo
94. Mime Jr.
95. Mr. Mime
96. Happiny
97. Chansey
98. Blissey
99. Cleffa
100. Clefairy
101. Clefable
102. Chatot
103. Pichu
104. Pikachu
105. Raichu
106. Hoothoot
107. Noctowl
108. Tyrogue
109. Hitmonlee
110. Hitmonchan
111. Hitmontop
112. Spiritomb
113. Gible
114. Gabite
115. Garchomp
116. Munchlax
117. Snorlax
118. Unown
119. Riolu
120. Lucario
121. Wooper
122. Quagsire
123. Wingull
124. Peilipper
125. Girafarig
126. Hippopotas
127. Hippowdon
128. Azurill
129. Marill
130. Azumarill
131. Igglybuff
132. Jigglypuff
133. Wigglytuff
134. Skorupi
135. Drapion
136. Croagunk
137. Toxicroak
138. Carnivine
139. Remoraid
140. Octillery
141. Finneon
142. Lumineon
143. Tentacool
144. Tentacruel
145. Feebas
146. Milotic
147. Mantyke
148. Mantine
149. Snover
150. Abomasnow
151. Sneasel
152. Weavile
153. Magnemite
154. Magneton
155. Magnezone
156. Lotad
157. Lombre
158. Ludicolo
159. Houndour
160. Houndoom
161. Lickitung
162. Lickilicky
163. Rhyhorn
164. Rhydon
165. Rhyperior
166. Zangoose
167. Selviper
168. Tangela
169. Tangrowth
170. Elekid
171. Electabuzz
172. Electivire
173. Magby
174. Magmar
175. Magmortar
176. Swablu
177. Altaria
178. Shuppet
179. Banette
180. Smoochum
181. Jynx
182. Oddish
183. Gloom
184. Vileplume
185. Bellossom
186. Togepi
187. Togetic
188. Togekiss
189. Carvahna
190. Sharpedo
191. Yanma
192. Yanmega
193. Tropius
194. Slugma
195. Marcargo
196. Eevee
197. Vaporeon
198. Jolteon
199. Flareon
200. Espeon
201. Umbreon
202. Leafeon
203. Glaceon
204. Delibird
205. Numel
206. Camerupt
207. Gligar
208. Gliscor
209. Swinub
210. Piloswine
211. Mamoswine
212. Aron
213. Lairon
214. Aggron
215. Porygon
216. Porygon2
217. Porygon-Z
218. Ralts
219. Kirlia
220. Gardevoir
221. Gallade
222. Absol
223. Torkoal
224. Wynaut
225. Wobbuffet
226. Scyther
227. Scizor
228. Nosepass
229. Probopass
230. Duskull
231. Dusklops
232. Dusknoir
233. Snorunt
234. Glalie
235. Froslass
236. Rotom
237. Uxie
238. Mesprit
239. Azelf
240. Dialga
241. Palkia
242. Heatran
243. Regirock
244. Regice
245. Registeel
246. Regigigas
247. Giratina
248. Cresselia
249. Phione
250. Manaphy
251. Darkrai
252. Shaymin
253. Arceus
Tell what you guys think about it in the comments below and I would be more than happy to read them! ;)
Yo bro just a quick heads up, your favorited games are public not everybody has to see that weird shit you got on there
I'm sorry.